More about ontimeon
How do I register to the system?
You have two ways to sign up in ontimeon. Using our registration system (which implies an email registration and an extra step to validate that the email adress is yours) or using any of the OpenID providers available.
Using an OpenID provider (i.e. Google or yahoo) means that the email authentication process is delegated to the provider. That is, you are logging in in your provider account and him is telling us that your identity has been verified.
Once your identity has been authenticated, your user is created using the data received (name and email) in an automatic way, avoiding the process of email confirmation.
For login in, you can use also the OpenID login buttons.
What exactly does ontimeon?
ontimeon stores your reminders and send them at the time you programmed it. A reminder consists on three parts:
- a content: the text itself. It has to be less than 250 characters.
- a date and time: in order to indicate to the system the exact moment when the reminder has to be fired.
- a destination list: that can be a 'comma separated' list of phones, email adress, twitter, facebook and ontimeon accounts.
Moreover, it can be an ontimeon contact. If you have your contacts stored at ontimeon just by starting typing the name, the system will autocomplete the information (destination and channel).
A contact has a 'ontimeon contact' status if it has the mobile or the windows application installed. If so, you can send them the reminder by an internal channel.
This means that the contact will receive the reminder in his phone without paying SMS credits (in the same way as Whatsapp works) or in his computer in the resident windows application (thought for people than expends many of his time or works in front of a computer).
Whats does each section mean?
Contacts: a section in wich you can set up your contact list.
Rems: a list with the reminders you have sent. For those that has not been sent yet, you can edit any aspect of them.
Diary: a list with the reminders not processed yet that others has introduced for you.